My mind is part of God's and cannot die: 

My body, granted, soon must disappear 

As it was fitted only for life here; 

My mind immortal is, eternity


But brings it sooner to maturity; 

No longer limited by flesh and fear 

And full-expanding in the heavenly sphere 

It revels in the blest futurity,


All knowledge is presented to its view, 

For God is good and shares His utmost store, 

Through all the ages mind shall have its due 

And wisdom be revealed from more to more;


Until at last it Truth, indeed, shall know 

And mind shall share in God's omniscient glow.



No, never lonely when alone

With God, by sea or land,

Are those blest children who have known

The Father’s love , and who have grown

To trust His guiding hand.


As Jesus sought the mountain-side

And desert place apart,

So man may in God’s bosom hide

And be forever fortified

If he is pure in heart.


The atoms, stars, and nebulae, 

And all the laws of light 

Are God’s and they will surely be 

The aids of those who steadfastly 

Attempt to do the right.


Ah! if men only God receive

As plants absorb the air

Man may his bitter past retrieve

And prove by deeds that they believe,

As Jesus did, in prayer.


Paradise, Smyrna 

January 1931



In this world of sadness, 

Want, and fear, and woe, 

Radiate Thy gladness, 

Lord! Thy cheer bestow: 

May men learn to follow 

In Thy perfect Way, 

And no longer wallow 

In greed's troughs, we pray.


Thou hast showered riches, 

Thou hast dowered mind, 

Yet man's greed bewitches, 

Selfishness doth blind: 

Santify, we pray Thee, -

Man's starved, latent soul 

That he may portray Thee,-

Pure , unselfish, whole!


May Thy Church, Lord Jesus! 

Be the first to scorn 

Gifts which may he specious 

Which Thy Way suborn 

May we, Thy examples, 

So with faces shine 

That we shall be samples 

Of Thy power devine.



Paradise, Smyrna 

August 5, 1933




O Universe! God's panoply

Of nebula and sun!

Beneath thy sparkling canopy

We watch the ages run:

The beams of light in varied hue

A million years in flight,

Come scintillating into view

And prove God’s skill and might.


O Atom! God’ s remotely small

But perfect, ordered world!

Within thy clear-imagined ball

We see electrons whirled:

Thy secrets and thy latent power

We conquer , one by one ,

Until we gain our rightful dower,-

God’s bounty never done.


O Ether! God's eternal breath,

Embracing force and form,

And mind and soul, and life and death

And haven after storm!

Though nought we know as yet of thee

Through God we still shall find

The key to human mystery

And be no longer blind.


By God’s blest aid we vanquish Space,

Through God we master Time:

Through Him we gain o'er Force the race,

Through God the Ether prime:

With Him we yet shall victors be

Ofer Greed and Self and Sin,

Until we have the mastery

And highest life begin.



Paradise, Smyrna 

October, 1920




The ancient world with all its ant had failed 

And death was welcomed as despair's release 

But Jesus came, and soon His power prevailed 

To lead mankind toward hope, and love, and peace:


A little Babe, He came to Bethlehem

And clearly showed to men the Father's face;

The cross He hallowed at Jerusalem

And bought salvation for the human race.


His spirit, like the radiating waves,

Has coursed the centuries to every clime

And brought the wondrous message, "Jesus saves",

That gift of God, unspeakably sublime!


If God neglected not His Son to give

Shall we not give ourselves and nobly live? 



Paradise, Smyrna 

December 1924



When shall the reign of ruthlessness be o'er!

Ah! Nature, thou shouldst ne'er have climbed to man;

For once the victory o'er thee was sure,

Thy masterpiece upset the ordered plan!


He filled his harems with the countless fair, 

He roamed o'er sea and land for female pray, 

He surfeited,- then listened to Lust's dare 

Out-devilled Hell, till mind or life gave way.


Even the purest who Lust's lures sublimed, 

Like Anthony, had visions carnal, vile; 

Even the fairest were by Lust begrimed 

In art, in letters, in the beckoning smile.


As mercury displaces every flow

Alone the holiest things I strive to know.



Paradise, Smyrna 

January 1, 1933



My active mind, alive with pregnant thought

And filled with memories of countless things,

My fancy bright, which moulds, and paints, and sings

Will soon be paralyzed and end in nought;


All that deep study and reflection brought, 

All that experience to mortals brings, 

Will to themselves take foolish, fruitless wings 

And must in blank oblivion be sought.


What matters it that I my life have spent 

In self-denial that my mind might grow? 

What means endeavor when the veil is rent 

And only carrion is left to show?


Why  was I given aim and zeal to learn 

When all will end with ashes in an urn?



I gazed on Beauty naked

From evening until dawn,

Until the first bright streamers

Enfolded Him in lawn;

And inwardly I worshipped,

Rapt, silent, glorified,

Because I saw my Saviour,

Jesus, the Crucified!


No brush can paint His beauty,

No music sound His charm,

No chisel carve His matchless form,

And words can only harm:

Jesus! my dear Redeemer!I

Appear to every one

As Thou didst then appear to me

And all the world is won


His face than sun is brighter, 

His eyes with love more deep 

Than radius of creation, 

His lips with rapture steep; 

But Oh! His heart of mercy 

Is like the Milky Way,-

Transcendent, pure, and circled,-

Love’s ultimate display.



Paradise, Smyrna 

January 14, 1933




Wearied, Lord! and disillusioned 

By ingratitude,

I the more with
Thee am fusioned

By the Rood.


Two millenniums have hasted 

Since Thy sacrifice, 

But mankind has not yet tasted 



Thy pure patience has not weakened, 

Holy Saviour, Christ 

Thus Thy will to me is beaconed 

By the Highest.


Once again I take my burden, 

Burden welcome, light! 

Since I am by Thee full girden 

For the fight.



Paradise, Smyrna 

January 22, 1933



Take time to be happy 

Since joy is your right; 

Fail not to live raptly 

For life should be delight; 

Creation awaits you 

To have and enjoy, 

God’s goodness creates new

Service to employ.


Take thought to be thankful 

Since blessings abound 

And God pours a bankful 

Of riches around;

For gratitude gladdens

Both given and friend 

And thanklessness saddens 

Til love has an end.


Take strength to be daring 

When dangers arise 

Since God will be sharing 

Each brave enterprise;

In life nought can harm you 

In death nought can fright, 

For Jesus will arm you 

To conquer aright.


Glad, brave and receptive

God wants you to be;

Christ came that you might live

More abundantly:

Take time from your sorrow,

From worry and fear,

And happiness borrow

From God's gracious cheer.



Paradise, Turkey 

February, 1928




Thy crystal stream, O Christ!

       Give me to drink, 

That I may never fall

       Nor fainting sink: 

Earth's flood can never slake

       My thirst divine;

Only Thy waters fill

       This soul of mine.


Make me a fountain, Lord!

       Welling from Thee, 

Full-filled with helpfulness

       And purity: 

From me may rivers flow,

       Living and still 

Strengthening all who quaff

       To work Thy will. 


Paradise, Smyrna

March 1927


Genealogy of Caleb W. Lawrence & Family